Welcoming our new convenor Carina Bachofen
We're delighted to be joined by Carina to lead our work as we move to the next stage in the GEC journey

The Green Economy Coalition is delighted to announce that Carina Bachofen joined on 6 January as our new Convenor. Carina will be leading the Coalition as we enter 2025 and beyond – a time of great challenges and also great opportunities in the global transition to a greener, fairer future for all.
Carina joins us having spent two decades at the interface of climate, development and humanitarian issues, mostly recently serving as Acting Director of the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre, the principal technical reference centre on climate and disaster risk reduction of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement. Carina’s detailed grasp of the policy landscape, her commitment to improving the lives of the most vulnerable, and her considerable experience managing large programs, designing influence strategies, and leading organizational change made her the obvious choice to take over the reins of the GEC Secretariat.
Carina began her career in Berlin at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs supporting the facilitation of a trans-Atlantic Dialogue on Climate Change between policymakers and thought leaders in the US and EU. She then deepened her expertise on climate and development while serving at the World Bank, and thereafter managed a global partnership of national climate networks from the majority world at IUCN. Carina’s work has included co-leading the social component of the World Bank’s pioneering study on the economics of adaptation to climate change; managing Development & Climate Days at over 10 successive UNFCCC COPs, and leading the learning and uptake component of the UK government’s flagship BRACED programme.
Carina completed her Bachelor degree at McGill University and her Master of Science at the London School of Economics and Political Science.
On joining the GEC, Carina says, “There can be no climate transition unless we create a shared prosperity for all people. I’m excited to build upon the solid foundations of the GEC in advocating for a just transition.”
Steve Bass from the GEC Steering Group said, “Carina is an outstanding candidate for our new Convenor: I’m confident her expertise, experience and insight will prove invaluable. The Steering Group is looking forward to working with her to scale new heights for the Coalition under her leadership.”