The GEC is pleased to announce that the Libélula has joined the GEC as a new member of the coalition.
Along with fellow Peruvian new joiner FORO Nacional Internacional (FNI), Libélula will be co-host of the GEC's Green Economy Dialogue Hub in Peru – part of the GEC’s latest phase of work on green economy around the world.
Libélula Institute for Global Change (Libélula) is a Peruvian NGO, consulting firm and Think Tank, formed in 2007 and specializing in climate change and communication. Libélula promote the transition to sustainable development and green growth in Peru and globally through their work which includes specialized research, project management, private sector engagement, carbon footprint services, sustainability programmes, training and awareness raising. Libélula’s theory of change focuses on creating a community+1 that gives a positive input to society.
Libélula also hosts the annual nexos+1 event bringing together all key actors working in sustainability in Peru to exchange information, collaborate and to create opportunities for new ventures and to innovate for game changing solutions to global problems.
“ We believe that joining the GEC will give rise to significant synergies comparing the Peruvian reality with the experiences of other countries. We share the GEC’s concerns that the focus of green growth should be towards the creation of an inclusive society and one that benefits both the poor and disadvantaged and protects the ecosystems on which we depend.”
“ The seeds for greener growth in Peru are already growing, but this transition will only flourish when it is inspired, nurtured and led by local communities. We are excited to be working with Libelula and look forward to learning from their partners and supporting a movement for change.”