Since the industrial revolution, our economies have delivered huge advances in prosperity. But now we are learning that these advances have come at a cost: entrenched inequality, devastation of the natural world, and climate chaos. These threats are already beginning to undermine our shared global prosperity; on current trends, the world will achieve neither the Paris Agreement nor the Sustainable Development Goals.
A fast, fair, and green transition is urgently needed.
But transforming our economies – and successfully deliver the Sustainable Development Goals – will take energy, commitment and resources beyond the scope of any one organisation acting alone. For the past five years a set of institutions, commensurate to the scale of the challenge, has worked behind the scenes, developing trust, understanding, and knowledge.
This partnership is now stepping up to accelerate the transformation at global, national and regional levels. Working together with governments, businesses, civil society and global institutions, the Partners for Inclusive Green Economies comprises:
- Green Economy Coalition
- Green Growth Knowledge Partnership
- Global Green Growth Institute
- UN Poverty-Environment Action
- UN Partnership for Action on Green Economy
- International Labour Organisation
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
To mark the arrival of this new collaboration, the member organisations are launching their shared vision of structural economic transformation: the Principles, Priorities & Pathways for a Green Economy [LINK]. Ambitious yet practical, these principles provide the foundation of a just transition to an inclusive and sustainable future – and provide a road map for policymakers everywhere considering how best to tackle the intertwined challenges of environment and development.
Most importantly, the partners have a shared commitment to work with others: governments desiring transition support, global institutions, businesses, civil society, and citizens’ movements. Our next step is to develop in-country collaboration with new partners around the world, and build a global coalition committed to change.
If you’d like to find out more – or explore how you could get involved – then please take a look at our website, or email ben.martin@greeneconomycoalition.org