EU Green Deal - Call for Local Experiment Partners
Are you working in the EU on sustainability, clean energy, biodiversity etc? Apply now for €22,000 in funding for research!

We're proud to be part of SHARED GREEN DEAL, a EU-wide research consortium now offering local/regional authorities and not-for-profit organisations the opportunity to partner with us to run social experiments focused on the following six priority Green Deal topics: Clean Energy, Circular Economy, Efficient Renovations, Sustainable Mobility, Sustainable Food, Preserving Biodiversity.
Utilising diverse participatory approaches to involve local stakeholders and citizens, the experiments will address the behavioural, social and cultural dimensions of the European Green Deal. The social experiments aim to facilitate and learn from change processes at both individual and collective levels whilst collecting research data in the process.
SHARED GREEN DEAL will provide financial support of up to EUR 22,000 to run each local social experiment for one year from spring/summer 2023. In total, 24 European locations will be selected to run the social experiments (4 locations per stream).
The experiments have specific objectives according to each of the six streams covered and the deadline to apply is January 31.
Learn more about each stream and submit your application here.