Calling all network members: help needed in telling the story of transition
Are you interested in being part of a working group on narrative transitions?

One of the key elements of our theory of change is telling the story of transition, to support this objective and strengthening societal demands for inclusive green and circular economies. The stories we weave help us understand our reality and this can be changes.
Previously GEC co-founded Stories for Change and we are looking to do more work understanding the messages that compel action and change, the best messengers to influence key audiences and the best ways to engage with these narratives, so watch this space.
As part of our efforts to tell the story of transition we are undertaking some light polling to enable us to track the engagement of key audiences in the green economy and create usable insights for our network and the broader civil society to use in their engagement of audiences.
The results of this polling will help us by;
- Gaining media coverage and communications content for social media;
- Providing insights on green economy engagement (behaviours and attitudes);
- Telling the story of how people are moving to a low carbon economy;
We are looking for members of our network to inform and help us make decisions about what should be in the poll and where we should run this. We are looking to run the polling in ten countries Are you interested in being part of this working group?
We are looking for network members who can;
- Commit to attending a minimum of four meetings across four months;
- Have communications capacity to support the promotion of the survey results when they come in;
If you are interested in getting involved or would like to know more please let us know please let us know by 1st September 2024.